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Services for

the elderly

In addition to providing welfare benefits and information advice service for the local community, we also provide the following services for the elderly and disabled:


  • Liaison with Social services to ensure appropriate services is given.

  • Liaison with Occupational Therapist to ensure our clients mobility needs are met

  • Advice on available support and assistance for the carers.

  • Advice and support on welfare and other benefits available for the elderly

  • Interpretation and translation services

  • In some cases we will visit elderly and disabled people at their homes

If you are an elderly or disabled person and need help or if you have an elderly or disabled relative who can benefit from our services then please contact us on 020 8985 1124 or email:


100 Morning Lane, 

London E9 6LH


Tel: 020 8985 1124






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Bangla is registered with the Homes and Community Agency L4534. Cooperative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014 27419R. HM Revenue & Customs Charity XR23526. Member: National Housing Federation and BME National.        

Bangla Housing Association © 2024  |  Made with LUV

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