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Resident involvement

Resident involvement is an opportunity for you to influence the decisions that affect you, your home and your local community. There are a range of opportunities for you to share your ideas and help improve the services we offer.

By getting involved, you can:

  • Influence services and decisions at NHH

  • Help make sure we provide value for money services

  • Receive training and support to develop your skills

  • Meet other residents and service users.

To thank you we will:

  • Pay your childcare, carer and travel expenses

  • Provide light refreshments at events and meetings

  • Offer rewards, such as shopping vouchers for attending certain focus groups

  • Provide language interpreters and signers or an induction loop on request.

Join our residents meetings

Residents Forum
Next session: For dates of future meetings please email;

The agenda will include neighbourhood issues, policy reviews and forthcoming activities. All Bangla tenants are welcome to attend the above meeting. Meetings take place at our office every two months.

Tenants Focus Group
Next session: For dates of future meetings please email; 
The agenda will include planning fun days and workshops.
All our women tenants are welcome to join and attend these meetings. Meetings take place
 at our office every two months.


100 Morning Lane, 

London E9 6LH


Tel: 020 8985 1124






Send us your feedback

Members only portal


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Bangla is registered with the Homes and Community Agency L4534. Cooperative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014 27419R. HM Revenue & Customs Charity XR23526. Member: National Housing Federation and BME National.        

Bangla Housing Association © 2024  |  Made with LUV

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