Repairs & maintenance
If you need to report any repairs, please inform Bangla by any of the following ways:
Visit our office during office hours
Tell us when we visit your home
Tel: 0208 985 1124
Mob: 07983 467 036 or 07519 715 039
Email: shah@banglaha.org.uk
Log on: www.banglaha.org.uk
When our office is closed and for emergency repairs only please contact BCL Ltd. on: 0203 576 2669. Please do not contact your main Landlords to report any repairs.
If you suspect gas leak please call Transco on 0800 111 999
For loss of electricity contact your supplier.
For Sewerage call Thames Water on 0845 920 0800

Examples of Emergency Repairs
Broken down main street / flat door / window
Leaks leading to flood
Gas leak or supply failure
Ceiling on verge of collapse
Serious roof leaks
Complete lack of service from electricity or water supply
Blocked drains
Blocked WC (where no other WC available)
Breakdown of dwelling Security
No heating or hot water (winter months only)