Moving home
Existing Bangla tenants who wish to move from their current home because it is no longer suitable for their needs. Due to a very small stock in our management, Bangla does not operate its own transfer scheme, those tenants will be referred to either their owning association or advised to register with their local council’s waiting list.
Mutual Exchange
Bangla co-operates with other associations and local authorities in providing accommodation for tenants who need to move. Tenants also have the right to exchange their homes with a tenant of another social landlord.
You may join with the national Homeswapper service. To join it and for further information click on www.homeswapper.co.uk
Home Ownership
Tenants and applicants will be informed of Housing Associations who operate Homebuy and Shared Ownership schemes.
For further information and advice please contact Leena Khan at our office.
Call 0208 985 1124 or email: leena@banglaha.org.uk