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Feeling safe in the community

We want our residents to live in a safe, secure and comfortable environment, and we take reports of neighbour disputes, anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse and harassment seriously.

We also provide advice and support to our residents and work closely with local authorities, the police and other agencies to tackle any behaviour that's affecting the quality of life of our tenants.


Click on the words below for more information on the following issues:


Feeling Safe

To report Anti-Social Behaviour, get in touch with us as soon as possible. 


If you feel threatened in your home or believe there to have been a criminal act taken place. Please call the police urgently.

Examples of Anti-Social Behaviour

The type of conduct that can amount to anti-social behaviour might include, amongst other things:

  • Noise nuisance (for example, loud parties, shouting, banging noise from TVs, radios, Hi-fi’s, burglar alarms and dogs barking)

  • Intimidation and harassment (for example behaviour that intimidates, dominates or harms, including non-physical harm to an individual or a family or group and behaviour that is targeted, deliberate and continuing)

  • Local environmental quality issues (for example, litter, dog fouling, uncontrolled dogs, graffiti, vandalism, fly tipping, abandoned and untaxed vehicles, vehicle repairs, inconsiderate parking, un-kept gardens, riding, cycling and skateboarding on footpaths and communal areas)




  • Aggressive and threatening language and behaviour

  • Violence against people and property

  • Hateful behaviour that targets members of identified groups because of their perceived differences (for example, race and ethnicity, gender, age, religion, cultural background, class, sexual orientation, mental health or disability);

  • Using housing accommodation for illegal or immoral purposes (for example using and supplying drugs, alcohol and solvent abuse, prostitution or gambling)



Neighbour Disputes

Neighbour Disputes

What should I do?

In most cases, the best way to resolve noise or other neighbour disputes is for residents to speak to one another and agree on how all parties can act more reasonably. Often one neighbour will not realise that they've disturbed the other and an agreement can be reached quickly and peacefully.


If the problem gets worse, or you think it’s too serious to speak to your neighbour about, please contact Leena Khan who will advise you how to deal with the matter. However, we can only take action against a resident if the nuisance they are causing is very serious and so we would still encourage you to try and resolve the matter yourself.

How can we help you

We cannot take sides in disagreements between neighbours and we'll consider what everyone involved has to say. We may suggest a mediation service becomes involved to help you find a solution that everyone accepts. If we feel that your council's environmental health department will be in a better position to take action against noise nuisance, we might advise you to contact them.


If nuisance or disturbance is causing serious annoyance or concern and happens regularly, we will consider the full range of legal options available to us to try and sort the problem out.

Domestic Abuse

What do I do?

If you're experiencing domestic abuse, you may feel very alone and have no idea who to turn to. We'll help you get the advice and support you need. Remember:

  • You are not alone

  • Assault is a criminal offence – no one has no right to beat, verbally or sexually abuse you or your children

  • You are not responsible for the abuse and you are not to blame – it is your abuser who must take responsibility for their actions

  • Violence is never the way to solve conflict in the home

  • You can survive and move on from an abusive relationship

  • You shouldn't be afraid to ask for help

  • We are here to help.


How we can help you

If you are, or know of someone who is, experiencing domestic violence, contact us at Bangla right away. We will arrange an interview with you in a safe place and will put you in touch with support services.

If you're in immediate danger

If you feel you or your children are in immediate danger from your partner then your first priority must be your safety. Call the police on 999 immediately.


More support

These organisations offer specialist advice and support for people experiencing domestic violence.

  • 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline
    - call 0808 2000 247

  • Women's Aid Refuge


Domestic Abuse

Safe Guarding and Abuse


What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. For children and young people, safeguarding means promoting their welfare, protecting them from maltreatment, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring that they grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care.


Adult safeguarding means working alongside other organisations to prevent and stop both the risk and experience of abuse or neglect while respecting our residents' views, feelings and wishes.


Safe Guarding


  • We will work with our residents to establish what being safe means to them. Our residents, children and young people have the right to live safely and free from harm

  • We will actively promote awareness of adult and child safeguarding across Notting Hill Housing to ensure we are taking a proactive approach and empowering our staff to be clear about the roles and responsibilities under safeguarding.

  • Our safeguarding work is underpinned by the six principles which govern safeguarding: Empowerment, prevention, proportionality, protection, partnership and accountability.

  • We will work under the ethos of making safeguarding personal. This means we will work in a person-centred and outcome-focused manner.



What is harassment?

Harassment is any deliberate act that interferes with the peace, comfort or safety of an individual or group because of their race, colour, religious belief, ethnic or national origin (racial harassment), their gender or sexuality (sexual harassment), their disability (disability harassment), their age, appearance or other personal attributes.
Harassment can occur in many forms and incidents can be subtle or blatant. Examples of harassment include:


  • Abusive language

  • Abusive or threatening behaviour

  • Physical assault

  • Damage to property

  • Graffiti

  • Behaviour that interferes with peaceful occupation of the home.


How we can help you

We take cases of harassment very seriously. If you're experiencing racial, sexual or any other form of harassment, you can be confident that we will investigate the report thoroughly and that we will work to achieve a positive outcome wherever possible.


More support

You can find further information about what to do if you experience discrimination, including harassment, on the Equality and Human Rights Commission website.



How to report harassment

If you, or somebody you know, is experiencing harassment which may be motivated by your race, gender, sexuality, age, disability, religion, or something else, you can do the following:

  • Write down what happened with dates, times and descriptions of those responsible

  • Report it to your housing officer or property management officer

  • Report it to the police or ask your housing officer to report incidents to the police for you.

If you see or hear racial or sexual harassment, please report it to your housing officer, even if you are not directly involved. Anything you say will be treated in confidence.


We will take all complaints seriously, give you all the help we can, and can arrange interviews in your own language if necessary.




We will:


  • Visit you within 72 hours for an interview, to take a detailed statement (including witnesses)

  • Agree an action plan with you to try to stop the harassment

  • Carry out any emergency repairs that may be needed

  • Take steps to evict someone if the person harassing you is one of our tenants, a member of their family or their guest, and they do not stop

  • Provide extra security or try to move you if it is not safe for you to stay in your home

  • Put you in touch with local support groups.

While we hope preventative action will be effective in most cases, we will use legal enforcement action when required, providing we have sufficient evidence to support our case in court.




100 Morning Lane, 

London E9 6LH


Tel: 020 8985 1124






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Bangla is registered with the Homes and Community Agency L4534. Cooperative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014 27419R. HM Revenue & Customs Charity XR23526. Member: National Housing Federation and BME National.        

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