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Community involvement & events

Throughout the year, we hold a range of events to bring communities together in a number of fun activities. Check out our latest community events, community workshops and activities for children. We are always looking for residents to get involved in the organising and planning of activities too.

Community events

Residents fun day

This is an annual event and is held during the summer holidays.  Tenants and their children are encouraged to attend these fun-days and interact with their neighbours and other Bangla residents and their families.  This is a very popular event and is attended by over 100 tenants and their children every year.

Annual Day Trip

This is another popular event which is organised and planned in consultation with the Tenants Focus group and the Resident Forum.  Tenants and their children are taken to an attraction of their choice on a day trip e.g seaside, fruit farms and theme parks etc.

Gardening Competition


Tenants are encouraged to look after and take pride in their gardens, patio’s & potted plants.

Community workshops

Community health awareness workshops

In partnership with local voluntary and statutory agencies we organise workshops for the local community to raise awareness on the causes and prevention of various long term and serious illnesses e.g. heart disease, stroke, hypertension and diabetes.   We also organise workshops on the need of healthy eating, lifestyle and keeping fit.

Sports activities for youths

Football tournaments

Location: TBC

Time: TBC

We hold annual football tournaments for boys age 14-18 years encouraging them to participate and compete amongst their peer groups, helping them to understand each other while respecting the members of the wider community. This will help them to grow into responsible, active and good citizens.

Community workshops
Youth activities

100 Morning Lane, 

London E9 6LH


Tel: 020 8985 1124






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Bangla is registered with the Homes and Community Agency L4534. Cooperative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014 27419R. HM Revenue & Customs Charity XR23526. Member: National Housing Federation and BME National.        

Bangla Housing Association © 2024  |  Made with LUV

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